Showing posts from 2023

Python Features

Python is a feature-rich and versatile language, it is highly capable, high-level, interpreted, interactive, and object-oriented language. in this tutorial, we will explore some important k…

Python Home

Python is a very popular and powerful language, today it is used in various fields of application such as web development (server-side), machine learning, Artificial Intelligence, IoT, Robo…

What is buffer

A buffer is a temporary storage area that is used to store data that is being read from or written to a file. Buffers are used to improve performance by reducing the number of times that t…

Scope vs Namespace

In Python, scope and namespace go hand in hand. Think of scope as the area in your code where a name can be seen. So, when we talk about Python scopes, we're basically talking about whe…

what is ctypes functions in python

ctypes is a foreign function interface (FFI) library in Python. It allows you to call functions from dynamic link libraries (DLLs) or shared libraries written in languages like C directly f…

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