What is concept of exposing functions

 the concept of exposing functions from a shared library (DLL) and calling them from external code is not limited to Python. It is a common practice known as foreign function interface (FFI) or interoperability, and it's used across various programming languages.

Here's a brief overview of how you might achieve this in other programming languages:


In JavaScript, you can use tools like WebAssembly or FFI libraries to call functions from shared libraries.

Example with WebAssembly: You can compile C code to WebAssembly and use it in the browser.


In Java, you can use Java Native Interface (JNI) to call functions from shared libraries.

Example: Write a Java class that uses JNI to call C functions in a shared library.

C# (for .NET languages):

In .NET languages like C#, you can use Platform Invocation Services (P/Invoke) to call functions from shared libraries.

Example: Use DllImport attribute in C# to declare and call functions from a DLL.


In Ruby, you can use the Fiddle library for FFI.

Example: Load and call functions from a shared library using Fiddle.


In Go, you can use cgo to call functions from shared libraries.

Example: Write Go code that imports and calls C functions.

The key is to have a clear understanding of the foreign function interface provided by each language and follow the conventions specific to that language. Additionally, it's crucial to ensure that the shared library is compiled in a way that is compatible with the target language's expectations.

For example, in C and C++, you might use extern "C" to ensure that function names are not mangled, making them easier to call from other languages. In Java, you would declare native methods with native keyword and use JNI to connect with the shared library.

While each language has its way of handling FFI, the underlying principle is the same: expose functions in a shared library in a way that is compatible with the foreign language, and then call those functions from the foreign code.

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