Data Modeling

DAX (Data Analysis Expressions):

DAX is a programming language used in Power BI to enhance existing data models.

It includes a library of functions, operators, and constants.

These components are used in formulas or expressions to fill in missing information in the data model.

Functions play a crucial role in DAX formulas, allowing you to perform tasks like aggregation and calculations.

Commonly used DAX formulas and functions include CALCULATE, SUM, and AVERAGE.

Formula Syntax:

A DAX formula starts with the name of a new calculated column or table, followed by an operator (usually an equal sign).

Next, you specify the DAX function and enclose its logic within parentheses.

Context in DAX:

DAX computes formulas within a context.

The evaluation context is the surrounding area of the cell where DAX evaluates and computes the formula.

Row context refers to the current row being evaluated within a calculation.

Filter context considers the filter constraints applied to the data, determining which rows or subsets are included or excluded from the calculation.

Calculated Tables and Columns:

Calculated tables: These are new tables created within a data model, based on data from different sources.

Calculated columns: These are new columns added to existing tables, presenting the results of specific calculations.

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