Need to know before dive into decorator??

 Yes, you're on the right track! In Python, understanding the concept of local scope within functions is crucial for grasping how decorators work, particularly when dealing with function arguments. Let's delve into this idea a bit more to solidify your understanding.

### Local Scope and Function Arguments

1. **Local Scope in Functions**:

   - When a function is called, it creates a new local scope for its variables and parameters.

   - Variables defined inside a function are local to that function and cannot be accessed outside it.

2. **Function Arguments**:

   - When you pass arguments to a function, they are received as local variables within that function's scope.

   - These arguments need to be explicitly passed along if you want to use them in another function or nested scope.

### Applying Local Scope to Decorators

When you use a decorator, the decorated function's arguments need to be handled properly to ensure they are passed from the decorator's wrapper function to the original function. Here's a step-by-step breakdown using your `timer` example:

### Correct Use of `*args` and `**kwargs` in Decorators

#### Step-by-Step Breakdown

1. **Define the Decorator**:

   - The `timer` decorator takes a function `func` as an argument.

   - Inside `timer`, a `wrapper` function is defined.

2. **Wrapper Function and Scope**:

   - The `wrapper` function is designed to accept any number of positional and keyword arguments using `*args` and `**kwargs`.

   - These arguments are local to the `wrapper` function.

3. **Passing Arguments to the Original Function**:

   - Inside `wrapper`, `func(*args, **kwargs)` calls the original function (`add` in this case) with the arguments it received.

   - This ensures that the arguments passed to the decorated function are correctly forwarded to the original function.

#### Example


import time

def timer(func):

    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):  # Accept any arguments

        start = time.time()

        result = func(*args, **kwargs)  # Pass arguments to the decorated function

        end = time.time()

        return end - start, result  # Return both the execution time and the result

    return wrapper


def add(a, b):

    return a + b

e, r = add(2, 3)  # This call works because arguments are correctly passed through

print(e)  # Prints the execution time

print(r)  # Prints the result of add(2, 3), which is 5


### Explanation of Local Scope and Argument Passing

1. **Calling `add(2, 3)`**:

   - When `add(2, 3)` is called, it actually calls `wrapper(2, 3)` because `add` is decorated with `@timer`.

   - `wrapper(2, 3)` means `wrapper` is called with `args` as `(2, 3)` and `kwargs` as an empty dictionary `{}`.

2. **Local Scope of `wrapper`**:

   - Inside `wrapper`, `args` contains `(2, 3)`.

   - `func(*args, **kwargs)` translates to `add(2, 3)` because `func` is the original `add` function.

3. **Result Handling**:

   - The result of `add(2, 3)` is calculated as `5`.

   - `wrapper` then calculates the execution time and returns both the execution time and the result.

### Conclusion

Understanding local scope and how arguments are passed within Python functions is key to writing effective decorators. By using `*args` and `**kwargs`, you ensure that your decorator can handle any number of arguments, making it flexible and reusable for different functions. This way, you maintain the correct local scope and pass arguments properly from the wrapper to the original function.

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